The Sir Christopher Ricks talk 2024 - Marcus Brigstocke

Join us for a fascinating evening with Actor and Comedian Marcus Broigstocke, who will aim to persuade you that the Arts are not important but absolutely essential.
The annual Sir Christopher Ricks Lecture is named after Professor Sir Christopher Ricks, possibly our most illustrious Alumnus. Previous speakers have included Dr Janina Ramirez, Professor Peter Frankopan, John Mitchinson and Peter Faulding.
The Sir Christopher Ricks Lecture was originally set up to further interest in the Arts, Literature and the Humanities. Marcus Brigstocke is a brilliant speaker, and he is turning his formidable intellect to exploring why the Arts are not just important but absolutely essential to our lives and society as a whole.
This talk is FREE to all of our students, but we would like to request a voluntary contribution of £5 per family if there are accompanying relatives. (Please note that this is per family, not per accompanying adult.) This is payable through Parent Pay, where you will find an item listed as "AEP Sir CBR Talk 2024"
If you would like to book your seats, please click here , or email Pam Stokell at
Please do talk to your child(ren) about attending this talk – they will have heard about it during their Tutor Time in school. The aim of our talks is to broaden our students’ horizons and to raise their awareness of all the possible routes and career paths that are open to them. It can be difficult, sometimes, for students to really engage with their school studies… but once they have a direction in mind, once they wake up to the idea of a real destination, this can be a real game changer.
This talk is the start of our in-house series of lectures and we are in the process of preparing a programme of exciting academic talks that are FREE to our students and their parents and carers, as well as to our staff. Do keep an eye out for further information on these talks.