We aim to treat Sixth Form students as responsible members of the community, and believe that as young adults, they need to take responsibility for their own learning and development.
Students will experience an increased amount of independence in the Sixth Form. We believe they should be role models for the younger students and therefore we set high standards in terms of behaviour, attendance, punctuality, and engagement. We will monitor their adherence to these expectations and will communicate with home accordingly.
We expect Sixth Form students to get the basics right every day:
- Attend all lessons, arriving punctually.
- Attend all PSHE lessons, on Monday Period 1, Week 1 at 9.00am.
- Attend their allocated Tutor time once a fortnight at 8.45am.
- Wear the ID Badge at all times.
- Only use their phone in the Sixth Form Centre, and not whilst on the main site.
- Be respectful to staff, saying good morning/afternoon when spoken to.
- Adhere to the Sixth Form Dress Code.
We expect Sixth Form students to engage with the Six Key Activities of a Sixth Form Student:
- Engage in your learning, both in lessons and in study periods.
- Engage with Super Curricular learning, exploring knowledge beyond the content of your courses.
- During Year 12, arrange a week of Work Experience.
- Invest time in planning your future.
- Look after your mental health through ‘The 5 Ways to Wellbeing’.
- Engage with Enrichment and Leadership opportunities.
We want our Sixth Form students to obtain the best possible exam results and will support them during the two years to achieve this. Students must always take responsibility for their own academic success by doing the following:
- All students must complete all work set to deadline and to the best of their ability.
- All students must use their study periods to complete work set or Super Curricular learning. Students who are judged to not be working ‘on target’ will be required to work under supervision during some study periods until they get back on track.
As a member of the King Alfred’s Academy community, we expect all Sixth Form Students to adhere to the academy's rules as follows:
- Students must treat academy buildings and property, and the property of others, with respect.
- Students must not smoke or vape in any part of the Sixth Form, on any part of the main school site and grounds, or within close proximity of the school grounds.
- Students must not take part in any form of substance misuse (see academy policy on our policies page)
Failure to conform to any of these expectations, after due warning, will lead to suspension or exclusion from the Sixth Form.