
On behalf of the Local Governing Body (LGB), I am delighted to welcome you to the King Alfred’s Academy website. The role of the LGB is to work with the Headteacher to set the strategic direction of the academy, to monitor how well the school achieves the set targets, and to ensure the effective use of the academy's funding. This involves both supporting and challenging the Headteacher and the Leadership Team so that decisions are well thought through and the school is as successful as it can be.
King Alfred’s Academy is part of the Cambrian Learning Trust which sets an overarching development plan and the policies for the Trust. Within this context, the Scheme of Delegated Authority (available at the bottom of this page) describes the responsibilities entrusted to the LGB. To carry out our tasks, the governors in the LGB need to successfully communicate with both the leadership of King Alfred’s Academy and the leadership of the Cambrian Learning Trust.
I hope this introduction provides an understanding of what the LGB and the governors do. Further down on this page you can find more details about who we are and how we are organised. You will also find contact details for us as Co-Chairs of the LGB. Contact with other governors can be arranged through the school office. Key documents relating to governance of the academy can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Chair of the Local Governing Body, Katharine Hinks
The role of the governor
The governors are all volunteers. The LGB consists of 1 member of staff, 3 parents, and 7 governors appointed by the VAT Board of Directors. It is also part of the headteacher’s role to be a member of the LGB. The staff governor and parent governors are elected by the staff and parents respectively. Between us, the governors share a passion for providing the best possible education for the students and King Alfred’s Academy.
As part of the supporting role, we often have the pleasure of taking part in school activities. There are parent evenings, school shows, award evenings, school visits, and a multitude of other events. These give us a direct contact with school life and always serve as a reminder of our ultimate purpose.
The Local Governing Body
Chair: Katharine Hinks, email:
Vice Chair: Jonathan Blower, email:
The role of the governor
The role of the LGB is to work with the headteacher to set the strategic direction of the school, to monitor how well the school achieves the set targets, and to ensure the effective use of the school’s funding. In doing so, it is expected to take into account views of parents, pupils/students, staff and the wider community. The LGB acts on delegation from the Board of Directors of the Cambrian Learning Trust (CLT) and it has a responsibility to ensure that the school follows all applicable CLT policies as well as government regulation and guidelines. The LGB has 3 subcommittees that concentrate on areas of specific importance.
Quality of Education Committee
Chair: Jonathan Blower
Committee Members: Katharine Hinks, Leanne Avis
The Quality of Education Committee concentrates on the teaching curriculum, the delivery of teaching, and the learning outcomes for the students. It reviews how well the priorities set in the school development plan are achieved. Specific attention is given to the strategies applied to allow all categories of students to develop successfully. This involves disadvantaged students and improving their success in education, but also highly able students that need additional challenge to thrive.
Pastoral Committee
Chair: Rebecca Spencer
Committee Members: Donna Zavala, Hannah Spivey
The Pastoral Committee focusses on the support the school provides for the students’ personal, emotional, and social development. This involves reviewing how the standard of behaviour and attendance evolves, but also seeing how the students engage and develop through activities such as school trips, volunteering, and school events that make up the wider curriculum at the school.
Finance and Operations Committee
Chair: James Foreman-Peck
Committee Members: Simon Sparrow, Philip Greatrix
The Finance and Operations Committee centres its attention on the sound use of the school’s funding, the care and maintenance of buildings and other assets, and the physical health and safety for students and staff. It works with the headteacher and the CLT’s finance team to draft the school budget for the coming year and monitor the financial situation against budget in the current school year.
Other special roles
Safeguarding (Child Protection) link governor – Hannah Spivey
Liaises with the safeguarding lead and other key resources for the safeguarding and wellbeing of the students. Monitors the success of applied safeguarding strategies. Keeps governors aware of developments and highlights areas that require specific attention from the LGB or the subcommittees.
PP and SEND link governor – Donna Zavala
Concentrates on the specific needs and requirements of students with pupil premium (PP) and special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Liaises with the support resources for these student categories. Gives specific attention to the use of special support funding and the outcomes for the students. Keeps governors aware of developments and highlights areas that require specific attention from the LGB or the subcommittees.
Careers link governor – Philip Greatrix
Gives particular attention to the provision and success of the careers education and guidance in the school. Liaises with key staff and participates in events and business contacts. Keeps governors aware of developments and highlights areas that require specific attention from the LGB or the subcommittees.
Attendance link governor - Leanne Avis
GDPR link governor - Jonathan Blower
The Clerk to Governors is Katy Wells