Key information
Headteacher's Update 15th November:
year group updates
year 7
No specific updates this week.
year 8
No specific updates this week.
year 9
No specific updates this week.
Year 10
No specific updates this week.
year 11
We will be running a Year 11 information evening for Year 11 parents on Thursday 5th December (students are also welcome to attend). The aim of this evening is to share with you the best strategies your child can use to revise and prepare for their GCSE examinations in English Language, English Literature, Maths and Science. We also aim to provide you with advice and guidance on how you can go about supporting and helping your child through this process in these subjects. Sixth Form Auditorium, 6-7:30pm
Please be aware that our internal deadline for the completion of UCAS applications is Friday 6th December.