PE (option)
Our aim: Ignite a passion in every young person by creating memories both inside and outside the classroom to give them the knowledge and confidence they need to make a lifelong commitment to their physical, mental and social well-being.
Curriculum Overview
In Years 9 to 11 all students continue the Core PE curriculum – they also have the option of studying the Sport and Exercise Studies option in Year 9, and GCSE PE or BTEC Sport in Years 10 and 11.
The Year 9 Sport and Exercise Studies course develops knowledge and understanding of the principles underpinning sport and exercise, allowing students to take a responsibility in making decisions about their own physical health and activity levels.
In GCSE PE students develop knowledge, understanding, skills and values required to enhance and maintain performance in physical activities. They also gain a deeper understanding of how physical activities impact the human body and mind.
Year 9 Sport and Exercise Studies option topics
Big Questions Terms 1 and 2: What are the Components of Fitness? How can they be tested and applied to Badminton?
- Components of Fitness
- Warm up and cool down
- Fitness Tests
- Rules and regulations of Badminton
- Technical and tactical knowledge of Badminton
Big Question Terms 3 and 4: How does Football use different types of training within the development of skills and fitness?
- Aerobic & Anaerobic Exercise
- Types of Training
- Principles of Training
- Officiating in Football
Big Question Terms 5 and 6: How is the body built to support movement and performance in Netball?
- Basic Movements
- The Skeletal System
- The Muscular System
- Technical & Tactical knowledge of Netball
Year 10 GCSE PE topics
Big Question: What is needed to be an elite athlete in a variety of sports?
- Health, Fitness & Wellbeing
- Physical Training
- NEA Coursework
- Sports Psychology
Year 11 GCSE PE topics
Big Question: The human body is amazing, but how can it aid our quest for sporting excellence?
- Applied Anatomy & Physiology
- Movement Analysis
- Socio-cultural Influences
- Use of Data