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Provider Information

At the heart of our Careers Education offer are the strong partnerships we enjoy with a host of local employers and education providers. We are hugely grateful to those organisations and businesses who offer our students work experience placements. They benefit hugely from these opportunities, and when we visit our students on their placements, we are frequently impressed by the efforts that have been made to make their experiences meaningful, impactful and engaging.

We welcome input from providers of apprenticeships and post-16 courses of study and are keen to work with them to ensure that our students receive the best possible information, advice and guidance on their future options.  We are delighted to announce that we are now members of the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce, which will support us in providing local information to staff, students and parents/carers.


For information on offering a work experience placement or on promoting your educational offer, please contact our Careers and Work Experience Manager, Jo Warren, on or on 01235 225700.

You can download our Provider Access Policy below.