Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Our aim: to provide the foundations of understanding the world through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity. Students are encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. Through the building of key foundational knowledge, they learn to critically evaluate and challenge ideas and evidence.
Curriculum Overview
In Year 7 and Year 8 students focus on working scientifically and how science helps them to understand our world, with the themes ‘science in the home’, ‘science in the city’ and ‘science in the garden’. Our Year 9 curriculum focuses on the fundamental knowledge which underpins higher level scientific explanation and enquiry. In Years 7 to 9, we adopt a mixed attainment approach to teaching. During this period, we recognise the diverse range of abilities and prior knowledge amongst our students. Our curriculum is designed to cater to this diversity while ensuring that all students receive a comprehensive scientific education. In Years 10 and 11, they either prepare for separate GCSEs in these subjects, or two GCSEs in Combined Science – either route can take them onwards to Level 3 Science qualifications including A Levels. In Years 12 and 13 students can choose from a Level 3 BTEC in Applied Science or A Levels in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and Sociology.
Year 7 Topics
Term 1-2: Science in the home. Cells and movement – what are living things made of? Chemical reactions (kitchen chemistry) – what reactions take place in the home? Particles (solids, liquids & gases) – what is everything made of?
Term 3-4: Science in the city. Forces – why do things move? Atoms (separating mixtures) – how can mixtures be separated? Energy – what is energy?
Term 5-6: Science in the garden. Reproduction – how are living things made? Ecosystems – how do living things interact? Earth and space – how do we fit into the universe?
Year 8 Topics
Term 1-2: Science in the home. Breathing and digestion – what internal systems keep us alive? The periodic table – what is everything made from? Heating and cooling – why do things get hot?
Term 3-4: Science in the city. Light and sound – how do we see light and hear sound? Force and pressure – how do we use forces? Electricity and magnetism – where can we find electricity and magnetism all around us?
Term 5-6: Science in the garden. Respiration and photosynthesis – where do organisms get their energy? Environmental chemistry – what affects the chemical matter of our planet? Evolution and inheritance – why do we look the way we do?
Year 9 Topics
Term 1-2: Fundamentals: what are the fundamental ideas of Biology, Chemistry and Physics?
Term 3-4. Infection and response – why do we get ill? Chemistry of the atmosphere – how has the atmosphere evolved and have we damaged it? Chemical changes – how are materials made? Electricity – how do we power our modern lifestyle?
Term 5-6. Organisation – how are living things put together? Energy changes – why are some reactions hot and others cold? Energy – what is energy?
Year 10 topics
Term 1-2. Cell biology – what are living things made of? Atomic structure and the periodic table – what is everything made of? Energy – what is energy?
Term 3-4. Organisation – how are living things put together? Bonding, structure and properties of matter – how do one hundred elements make one billion materials? Chemical changes – how are materials made? Particle model of matter – why is water so important?
Term 5-6. Infection and response – why do we get ill? Energy changes – why are some reactions hot and others cold? Forces – why do things move?
Year 11 topics
Term 1-2. Inheritance, variation and evolution – what makes you, you? Quantitative chemistry – what is a mole and how do we use them? Chemical analysis – how do you test for chemicals? Waves – how does information get sent around the world? Homeostasis and response – why do I feel the way I feel?
Term 3-4. The rate and extent of chemical change – why are some reactions bigger than others? Chemistry of the atmosphere – how has the atmosphere evolved and have we damaged it? Magnetism and electromagnetism – are magnets only used for sticking things to the fridge? Space (Separate Physics only) – what else is out there?