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Support in the Sixth Form

Our Sixth Form students are supported by a highly experienced pastoral team including a Student Manager (a member of support staff who acts as the main point of contact with families and the primary source of pastoral support for students) who specialises in supporting Post-16 students.

Head of Sixth Form

Mr Hogan

Deputy Head of Sixth Form

Mr Johnson

Student Manager of Year 12/13

Ms Smith

Sixth Form Administrator

Mrs Brennan
Careers and Work Experience Manager

Mrs Warren










Sixth Form students will also be fully supported by their form tutors over their two-year Sixth Form journey.

In addition to this, our counselling service, led by a highly experienced psychotherapist, provides excellent support for those students who need it and is accessed through the Student Manager.

Financial support to support access to education for post-16 students, for example to pay for textbooks and educational visits, is available through the Post-16 Bursary fund. Applications for funds are made through the student manager.